KonicaΓÇÖs Album Maker is the ultimate extension to KonicaΓÇÖs PC PictureShow.
This powerful software package allows you to organize your PC PictureShow disks into digital photo albums and much, much more.
Its broad scope of powerful features gives you the ability to organize, produce and publish your own self-running 3.5ΓÇ¥ floppy disks. Use your favorite photos to create new photo albums or import graphics to create sales presentations.
Special built-in functions allow you to edit, crop, trim, lighten, darken and color correct your digital photos. You can even add audio or written comments.
KonicaΓÇÖs Album Maker comes complete with a versatile compression engine that gives you the ability to select your own compression settings and archive compressed photos to save valuable hard drive space. Album maker can read and convert a variety of graphic file formats including KQP, BMP, TIFF, PCD, PIC, JPEG, WMF, MSP, EPS, ,MAC, PCX, WPG, FLP and many others.
KonicaΓÇÖs Album Maker can be purchased separately in your choice of Windows or Mac formats and costs only $19.99 each, plus $2.50 for shipping and handling.
To order, simply print out and complete the special order form included in this digital catalog. You can then include your completed order form and payment inside your Software of the Month Club® Film Club mailer.
Please write Special Order Form Enclosed on the outside of your Film Club Mailer.